Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) from the school community

Frequently asked questions from the school community about the proposed fence for Aranda Primary

Why is a fence being built at Aranda Primary School? 

School fences are one of a number of ways to help keep children safe on school grounds. They are also effective in helping to mitigate vandalism at schools after hours.

A number of changes in recent years has given rise to the need for a fence at Aranda Primary School:

  • the school population has increased by 30 per cent.
  • an inclusive education program for students with a disability or additional needs began in 2023.
  • a new Ambulance and Fire Rescue station and coffee shop have been built nearby, which has brought increased traffic and local foot traffic.
  • there has been significant increase of vandalism to the school buildings and grounds.

A fence would:

  • reduce the possibility of students absconding from the school grounds. Any student leaving the school grounds without supervision is exposed to significant risks including busy and dangerous roads.
  • limit the risk of external dangers e.g. trespassers, dogs.
  • reduce the risk and frequency of physical hazards being left on grounds after hours.
  • assist in managing the increase in vandalism being experienced by the school, which has damaged school grounds and resulted in significant costs to remedy.

How would access to school grounds be affected by having a fence?

    The Community will be able to access school grounds out of hours through arrangements with the school.

Who would be paying for the fence?

The Education Directorate will pay for the fence.

Where is the proof that a fence will help keep children safe?

Security fences have been installed at more than 90 per cent of ACT public schools at the schools’ request and with the support of their communities. Feedback from the schools establishes that incidents, threats, and risks are significantly reduced and controlled with the installation of security fencing.

Has anyone asked the children what they think?

Yes. The school surveyed the Year 5/6 students at the school in 2021. Two-thirds of the students would like to see a boundary fence at the school. Students can also participate in the 2023 consultation process.

What is the consultation process?

The Education Directorate supported the Aranda Primary School executive to seek the views of the school community on this proposal.

A survey of the parents and carers in December 2022 sought to understand the current level of support for a school fence among the school community – a ‘temperature check’ ahead of a more fulsome school and community consultation process in 2023.

Other opportunities for the school community to give feedback were provided through two Open House sessions – in person and online – in term 1 2023. You can read the full Listening Report from this consultation here.

The Education Directorate would now like to hear from the wider Aranda community. Feedback is invited on the fence line, placement of gate access points and fence colour (standard black, or green).

 When would a fence be built?

It is anticipated that the final design and construction timelines will be provided in term 3.

How is community consultation on the fence design being communicated?

Community consultation is being promoted through letterbox drops to local residents, an email to the Aranda Residents Group, posters at the local shops and school, the school newsletter and school website. Feedback can also be emailed to the Education Directorate. The feedback period has been extended and now closes at 11pm on Friday 14 July 2023. It is anticipated that final designs and construction timelines will be provided in term 3.

Can the school community participate in the wider community consultation on the fence design?


Why is black the preferred colour? Why are we given one other colour option (green)?

The Education Directorate’s Infrastructure Specification has black as the preferred colour for school fences as it is considered the least obtrusive colour to the eye. Green is being offered as an option because some members of the school community requested it also be considered.